Healing Hashimoto's - How To Gather All The Info With Ease


Welcome to Episode 9 of Georgina Szabo TV! I found out that I had Hashimoto’s disease after multiple miscarriages. Instead of just taking a pill I wanted to get down to root causes so I could really heal my body vs simply addressing a condition and putting a Band-Aid on it. After working with Functional Medicine doctor Stephanie Daniel I was able to put my Hashimoto’s disease in remission within 6 months and get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. In the process I found my true purpose, which is helping others reverse their Hashimoto’s so you can reclaim your health too and live a fulfilling life.

I know many of you are full of work commitments, busy with family and it’s hard to find time to do research and learn what you need to know in order to start making progress. I get it!

In this episode of Georgina Szabo TV, I am going to share how to gather all the necessary info with ease even if you are the busiest person ever so that you can finally start taking baby steps towards reclaiming your health!

If you are new to my channel, consider subscribing because I release a new episode bi-weekly.


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I know you may be a busy mom taking care of the kids and their needs, running the household, perhaps working from home too while homeschooling and have zero extra time. I am in the same boat. For this reason, I am always looking for time hacks. Like what?

I love listening to Tony Robbins in the bathroom when I get ready for the day. I learnt this hack from him, he calls it using NET time. What is NET time? No Extra Time. Such as listening to docuseries, an audio book, online course or podcast when you are getting ready, doing the dishes, driving to work, working out. This allows you to tune in without taking up extra time.

At the beginning I tuned into Dr. Izabella Wentz docuseries titled The Thyroid Secret, that is how I found my Functional Medicine Doctor, Stephanie Daniel. She was referenced in her docuseries. I also follow Dr. Tom O’Bryan who is an expert on autoimmunity, his book The Autoimmune Fix is another great resource that you can grab as an audio book. I referenced both in my 1st Blog Episode.

What else? I love having my groceries delivered! I used to go grocery shopping 2-3 times a week and each time it would take me anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half from the moment I left the house until I got back. I now use Good Eggs and Instacart here in the San Francisco Bay Area and have a shopper gather all my groceries and deliver.

When I break it down the membership and delivery fees it’s a no brainer to use them vs my time. They save me between 3-5 hours a week! Now as a busy mom, that’s quite significant. If you are not currently taking advantage of a grocery delivery service, I highly recommend seeking out one. This allows me to have time to workout on a regular basis while tuning into all the educational materials- I consider that a big win!

Lastly, I love getting all my household and personal care essentials delivered too. If you have been following me you know I am all about getting safe, toxic-free items to constantly support my body from toxic burdens. Removing toxins from my body at a cellular level as well as from my environment contributed the most to my healing.

By removing toxic exposures my body is not bombarded by a myriad of chemicals from day to day and can function at a much higher level. I made a separate video explaining all the dangers I was exposed to before I greened my home. I had no idea how many chemicals I was surrounded with, how they entered my body and stirred my body to develop an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s.

I made a separate short video explaining it in detail to help you start going through your home to see what toxic chemicals you may be exposed to! Bonus: I share my safe, go-to brand that I switched over to and use now to make it super easy for you. And affordable too! Plus they do deliver to your doorstep as well. 🙂  You will find the link to it in the notes below the video.

Furthermore, if you want to know more about how toxic exposures contribute to developing Hashimoto’s, I have a FREE science-based video with my Functional Medicine doctor that you can tune into by clicking on the green button below:

Thank you for tuning in and spending this time with me. I hope you found value in this episode, and if you did, please share it with a friend struggling with Hashimoto’s.

“If you want different results, you have to change the way you live your life.” – Dr. Tom O’Bryan

Resources Mentioned That Will Help Healing Hashimoto’s

Healing Hashimoto’s: Where to Begin?Learn More Here

Not sure how to start healing Hashimoto’s? You find all my starting point resources in my first blog post/episode so that you can start moving in the right direction without feeling overwhelmed or confused.

Good Eggs Learn More Here

I get 90% of my fresh, organic, locally-sourced produce from them, delivered to my doorstep.

InstacartLearn More Here

I have them take care of the rest of my grocery shopping anything that is not offered or offered at a better price than Good Eggs.

How to Green Your Home – Learn More Here

Is your home making you sick? Mine was! I made a short video to show you how easily you can identify toxic exposures in your home and switch over to safe products, just click on the link above!

Healing Hashimoto’s Naturally and Get Your Life Back (Video) Watch It Here

In this short video Dr. Stephanie Daniel discusses how Hashimoto’s develops and what can be done to reverse it. I worked with Dr. Daniel and absolutely love her approach and the way she explains the entire process. In fact, with her guidance I was able to put my Hashimoto’s in remission within 6 months of working with her. As a result I was able to get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. This convenient format fits any busy schedule- tune in while you drive to work, do dishes or go for a walk. If you have time to watch/listen to one thing, let this be it!


Whether you just got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s or have had it for a while, I would love to hear from you. Drop me a comment below to say hello and ask me a question you would like help with.