First and foremost, welcome to my brand-new blog! I am excited that you are here and want to learn more on healing Hashimoto’s. I was able to put my Hashimoto’s disease in remission within 6 months. As a result I was able to get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Most people ask me- what did you do? How did you do it?

I had no idea how many people were struggling with Hashimoto’s until I started sharing my story. It has now become my passion and purpose to help as many people as I can by sharing my knowledge and resources that contributed to my success. I want everyone to know that Hashimoto’s CAN be reversed- it is a choice that you can make.

In this episode of Georgina Szabo TV, I’ll be sharing with you exactly what I did to begin reversing my Hashimoto’s, so that you can start moving in the right direction without feeling overwhelmed or confused.


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After getting limited help from my primary care provider, they just wanted to put me on a lifetime prescription of thyroid hormone medication, but my big question was WHY do I have it? What caused me to have this disease and most importantly, how can I turn it around? So I set out to learn everything about Hashimoto’s.

I do believe that our bodies are designed to heal themselves vs. destruct themselves. This belief allowed me to move forward and seek out information that explained in depth what I needed to know in order to do the right thing so my body can heal.

A few months before I found out that I had Hashimoto’s, I came across Functional Medicine Doctor Mark Hyman’s book titled “Eat Fat, Get Thin” at the local library. I was excited to pick it up thinking- finally, I will get to hear that eating cheese is totally good for you! It couldn’t be further from the truth. This was the very first time I learnt about Functional Medicine and it totally resonated with me. I really like how Functional Medicine looks at the body as a whole and its goal is to help individuals regain their health without relying on meds for the rest of their lives.

I started following Dr. Hyman and a month after I found out that I had Hashimoto’s I got an email from him announcing a new docuseries titled- The Thyroid Secret by Dr. Izabella Wentz. I was counting down the days until the first episode went live. I watched every minute of the entire series, and was astonished how many factors come into play for a person to develop Hashimoto’s disease. In one of the episodes Dr. Stephanie Daniel was referenced and it turns out she is located near me in the Bay Area. I reached out to her right away and after working with her for less than 6 months, my thyroid levels started to return to normal and I got pregnant naturally right away.

I recently hosted a wellness evening with Dr. Daniel where she put together a science-based overview on how Hashimoto’s develops and what we CAN do to start reversing it. We recorded the event to help get this information out near and far. If you would like to get a quick overview that you can watch right away, for free, make sure to tune in here on my blog:

I suggest carving out 20 minutes in your day so you can start learning right away because it’s a lot easier to do the right thing when we know why, and how it all contributes to our healing.

It is my goal to share all I learnt and actions I took in bitesize nuggets, step by step, so it is easy to follow and implement. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I will share a new video bi-weekly so you catch each and every episode.

And if you know anyone struggling with Hashimoto’s disease, please share this page via your preferred social media channels, and form of communication. Knowledge is power and key to reclaiming health, let’s keep sharing it with everyone in need.

“Getting knowledge is key.” – Dr. Todd Watts

Resources Mentioned That Will Help You Begin Healing Hashimoto’s

The Thyroid Secret (Docuseries) – Watch It Here

Dr. Izabella Wentz traveled all around the country interviewing over 100 experts who help their patients overcome thyroid disease and throughout each episode; they share how they did it – and how you can too. As you delve into this beautifully laid out series, you’ll start absorbing dynamic truths that will propel you forward and help you discover life-changing interventions that you might otherwise miss.

Healing Hashimoto’s Naturally and Get Your Life Back (Video) Watch It Here

In this short video Dr. Stephanie Daniel discusses how Hashimoto’s develops and what can be done to reverse it. I worked with Dr. Daniel and absolutely love her approach and the way she explains the entire process. In fact, with her guidance I was able to put my Hashimoto’s in remission within 6 months of working with her. As a result I was able to get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. This convenient format fits any busy schedule- tune in while you drive to work, do dishes or go for a walk. If you have time to watch/listen to one thing, let this be it!

The Autoimmune Fix (Book) Learn More Here

In this book Dr. Tom O’Bryan explains the whole picture of autoimmunity. Where it comes from, why it’s happening to you, what is the platform of understanding that you have to come from to deal with this. So much to learn it’s overwhelming, and that’s why the book lays it out little by little. The book is not the answer to your disease, it is the path so you can find the answer to your disease. You will know the questions to ask in order to figure out what it is that is triggering the inflammation in your body that is causing the autoimmune disease that you are manifesting. That’s what you have to figure out.

Hashimoto’s Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back (Book) Learn More Here

This book by Dr. Izabella Wentz shares all her experience healing Hashimoto’s and road to recovery.

Whether you just got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s or have had it for a while, I would love to hear from you. Drop me a comment below to say hello and ask me a question you would like answered.