Healing Hashimoto's: What foods to avoid?


Hello and welcome to Episode 3 of Georgina Szabo TV! I was able to put my Hashimoto’s disease in remission within 6 months. As a result I was able to get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. In the process I found my true purpose, which is helping others heal Hashimoto’s so we can all live a happy, fulfilling life.

In this episode of Georgina Szabo TV, I am going to share with you what foods I had to avoid so that you can start reforming your diet that all contributes to overcoming Hashimoto’s.


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Upon meeting functional medicine doctor Stephanie Daniel, I was told to continue on an anti-inflammatory diet free of gluten, dairy, corn, soy, peanuts and sugar. Why? As Dr. Tom O’Bryan says- what turns the genes on for autoimmune disease is inflammation. The question we need to ask is- how is my lifestyle contributing to it? We have to change the way we think.

Dr. Daniel mentioned that the immune system needs a minimum of a month without being stimulated by any of the potential protein antigens in these foods in order to begin redirecting the signaling pathways that can contribute to our symptoms. The gut-immune barrier (leaky gut), which we were also addressing, can only be repaired in the absence of constant stimulation from the foods that are contributing to the barrier issue to begin with. The most common food culprits are the ones I mentioned but can also include eggs, nightshades (potatoes, peppers, eggplant and tomatoes) and food additives such as MSG and the like. I recommend working with a functional medicine doctor to see if you need to remove any other foods.

What I couldn’t eat pretty much covered everything I was eating at the time. However, Dr. Daniel provided a great guide as a start so that I knew what foods to choose from going forward. Furthermore, as part of my first appointment, I also got to consult Dr. Daniel’s functionally trained nutritionist and health coach that helped me be more efficient and achieve my goals faster.

I would lie if I said making the switch was easy but I told myself, this is not forever, this is just for now so that I can make progress. Again, it’s all about doing what’s needed in the present moment in order to support our body’s ability to heal.

As a start, I went through my fridge and cabinets and tossed everything that I wasn’t supposed to have. I got really good at reading labels! As Dr. Mark Hyman says- “The key to success is to intentionally design your environment to make it easy to do the right thing and create health.”

I recommend focusing on the next 30 days and doing the best you can to stick to a new regimen. Instead of feeling defeated, be curious! It’s so easy these days when can head over to Instagram or Pinterest for some new meal ideas.

Since I didn’t have a ton of energy and brainpower I wanted to make it super simple and easy for me so I could stick to a new diet plan. I wanted to set myself up for success! This is the time when I discovered healthy, green smoothies that are totally convenient to make and take with you to enjoy throughout the day. I got so into making these smoothies that now not one day goes by without having one.

For lunch and dinner, I become accustomed to eating soups and salads with either chicken, fish or eggs. Focusing on eating more whole foods and less processed, stirring away from sweets and subbing them with organic fruit, snacking on nuts and seeds and good fats have become the new norm for me. I love the energy it gives me and I am now addicted to eating this way. The substitutes available these days are so great that it truly allows everyone to enjoy their favorite pasta dishes for example without feeling like a compromise- I like to use chickpea pasta, it tastes delicious and packed with way more protein and fiber than regular wheat pasta.

For more guidance and to get an overview of what the functional medicine model entails, you can check out “The Immune System Recovery Plan”. It was recommended to me by Dr. Daniel, she says- This book, despite it being listed for the immune system, is one of the best, basic functional medicine books around and offers practical advice and explanation for support around dietary changes, recipes and to understand more about the foundations of functional medicine.

Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about the importance of diet in reversing Hashimoto’s I highly encourage tuning into a science-based overview with Dr. Stephanie Daniel, make sure to click the green button to get free access:

I hope you have found value in this episode, if you did, please share it with anyone who may be struggling with Hashimoto’s and would love to know more.

“The key to success is to intentionally design your environment to make it easy to do the right thing and create health.” – Dr. Mark Hyman

Resources Mentioned That Will Help Healing Hashimoto’s:

Georgina’s Top 5 Superfood Smoothies (Ebook) – Download It Here

I put together a downloadable FREE Ebook with my top 5 favorite superfood smoothie recipes that are not only anti-inflammatory but gut healing. Grab it now and see how easy and fun it is to make these smoothies each and every day!

The Immune System Recovery Plan (Book) – Learn More Here

This book, despite it being listed for the immune system, is one of the best, basic functional medicine books around and offers practical advice and explanation for support around dietary changes, recipes and to understand more about the foundations of functional medicine.

Hashimoto’s Food Pharmacology (Book) Learn More Here

Food has a profound impact on our healing. What we put in our bodies will either heal us or make us sicker. In the same way that we use pharmaceuticals to impact our biology, we can use food as our medicine. Dr. Izabella Wentz calls this concept food pharmacology. It’s written for the men and women who are ready to take charge of their own health and need a friendly guide that can provide the tools and confidence to optimize their nutrition as well as delicious recipes that don’t require them to spend all day in a kitchen.

Overcome Hashimoto’s Naturally and Get Your Life Back (Video) Watch It Here

In this short video Dr. Stephanie Daniel discusses how Hashimoto’s develops and what can be done to reverse it. I worked with Dr. Daniel and absolutely love her approach and the way she explains the entire process. In fact, with her guidance I was able to put my Hashimoto’s in remission within 6 months of working with her. As a result I was able to get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. This convenient format fits any busy schedule- tune in while you drive to work, do dishes or go for a walk. If you have time to watch/listen to one thing, let this be it!

Whether you just got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s or have had it for a while, I would love to hear from you! Drop a comment below to share your biggest struggles right now that you would like help with.