Healing Hashimoto's: The One Thing That Holds Us Back


Welcome to Episode 6 of Georgina Szabo TV! I found out that I had Hashimoto’s disease in the process of trying to get pregnant but keep miscarrying. Instead of just taking a pill I wanted to get down to root causes so I could really heal my body vs simply addressing a condition and putting a Band-Aid on it. After working with Functional Medicine doctor Stephanie Daniel I was able to put my Hashimoto’s disease in remission within 6 months and get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. In the process I found my true purpose, which is helping others heal Hashimoto’s so you can reclaim your health too and live a fulfilling life.

In this episode of Georgina Szabo TV, I am going to share the one thing that holds us back from getting better so that you can start making progress instead feeling worse.

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This episode was inspired by all of you who told me that you have had Hashimoto’s for years if not decades. That’s a long struggle. I feel for you and want to help! I probably had it for a while before I found out but didn’t really have any other symptoms besides miscarrying until I found out. Once I got diagnosed it actually helped me pinned down why I couldn’t stay pregnant. It wasn’t a mystery anymore.

Then I was put on medication and since I didn’t know any better I just starting taking it but that’s when things went even further downhill. I started experiencing the heaviest brain fog ever to the point that I was driving on the road without realizing it! I didn’t even know it was called brain fog, simply put I felt a haze and couldn’t think clear. I felt numbed. It was so bad that I was scared to talk about it until I ended up driving on the wrong side of the road. That’s when it hit me- something was really wrong with me and I had to figure it out. I just couldn’t go on living my life like that. I mean I could have died!

I started thinking about when and how I started first experiencing this very symptom and noticed that pretty much within an hour I took my thyroid medication. So naturally, I decided to stop taking it and see how I would feel without. It was night and day. As soon as I stopped taking it, I felt much better and was in a better mood. I remember singing in the shower actually, which hadn’t happened since I started taking the meds.

The other symptom I noticed was hair loss. It wasn’t too bad at first but it kept getting worse to the point that I couldn’t stop brushing my hair without any hair still coming out. I started observing myself and would lie if I told you I wasn’t impatient. I would snap at my 5-year old for little things. Also, I would be happy one moment and could turn into crazy sad or mad within seconds. I was scared to talk about it until I actually sat down with Dr. Daniel and she asked me a list of questions about how I felt. All these were mentioned- do I experience mood swings? Yes. How about anxiety? Yes. How about hair loss? Yes. How about being tired? Yes. It actually felt “good” to identify all of these as it turned out they are all “normal” symptoms of someone having Hashimoto’s. It made me feel I wasn’t going crazy, I was simply experiencing symptoms of the disease.

Why am I telling you all this? First, I want to make sure that you know- these are all symptoms of having Hashimoto’s and no, you are not going crazy. Second, I would like to urge you to start observing how you are feeling while going through your day. It will help you draw a baseline that you can compare yourself to in a month or two as you are starting to make progress. Instead of looking ahead and comparing yourself to where you want to be in a year, you can compare yourself to where you were when you started. That will give you confidence and a sense of appreciation and gratefulness for all that you achieve. Even if it’s a small improvement, any improvement is good and a sign that you are going the right direction.

Now, what is the one thing that holds us back? Not taking action. Any action is better than none. Better to go slow than not at all. I urge you to pick one thing that you will do for yourself right now, here are two ideas you can start with:

1) Search for a Functional Medicine doctor in your area and make an appointment. Many times you will have to wait a few weeks before they can see you so call now to pin down a start date. Not sure how to find one? Check out the resources section below this video.

2) Start greening your home by removing the source of toxins. The goal is to support the body to heal itself. If you don’t remove the source, you will never have a true and lasting solution to your health challenge. You won’t be getting to the cause by simply covering up symptoms with either more medications or supplements. What I believe is the most critical is to remove the interference and allow the body’s innate intelligence to do the healing. This philosophy is where the truth lies. The level of toxicity is like no time in the history of mankind. Not the outside air, but what we are putting directly onto and into our bodies. I walk you through how I identified toxic exposures in my home, look for the link in the notes below this video.

Need help swinging into action? Change the way to talk to yourself. Instead of saying you can’t because you are too sick, too tired, or too depressed, change phrasing to- I WILL do it even though I have low energy or I am depressed. I remember being so sick of being sick that it actually empowered and helped me start taking action. Don’t let your current situation cripple you, instead, let it be your rocket fuel.

Additionally, if you want to know more about Hashimoto’s to have a better understanding about the condition, I have a FREE science-based video with my Functional Medicine doctor that you can tune into by clicking on the green button below:

Thank you for spending this time with me. If you have found value in this episode, please share it with anyone who may be struggling with Hashimoto’s and would love to know more.

If you are new to Hashimoto’s and not sure where to begin, make sure to check out my first episode where I share what I did to begin healing Hashimoto’s.

“Focus on what you can do.” – Tony Robbins

Resources Mentioned That Will Help Healing Hashimoto’s

Finding a Functional Medicine Doctor – Learn More Here

You can search the ifm.org directory for a functional medicine doctor in your area. Just click the link above!

Georgina’s 1st Action Step Learn More Here

In an effort to support my body’s ability to heal, I had to remove any and all toxicity from my home environment. It is crucial to eliminate the most common sources of toxins that can compromise our immune system such as in cosmetics, personal care and cleaning products. Especially those in most cosmetics/personal care products because we feed these directly to our body via our skin. I made a video to show you how easily you can identify toxic exposures in your home and switch over to safe products, just click on the link above!

Healing Hashimoto’s Naturally and Get Your Life Back (Video) Watch It Here

In this short video Dr. Stephanie Daniel discusses how Hashimoto’s develops and what can be done to reverse it. I worked with Dr. Daniel and absolutely love her approach and the way she explains the entire process. In fact, with her guidance I was able to put my Hashimoto’s in remission within 6 months of working with her. As a result I was able to get pregnant naturally at age 39, and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. This convenient format fits any busy schedule- tune in while you drive to work, do dishes or go for a walk. If you have time to watch/listen to one thing, let this be it!

Whether you just got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s or have had it for a while, I would love to hear from you. Drop me a comment below to say hello and ask me a question you would like help with.